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Offer of creation of ophthalmic business (Optical) management web application
Wed 17 Oct 2018 1:39  |  923
This web application is a comprehensive billing system for eye care developed for the optical sector. It has many features such as billing system, expense statement, sales report, product management, sales management, customer management, vendor management, responsive and fully secure for activities eye.


⤑ Secure and unique dashboard.
Creating customers.
⤑ Customer management.
⤑ Product Management.
⤑ Manage the product category.
⤑ Manage the product.
⤑ Expenditure management.
⤑ Supplier management.
⤑ Supply management.
⤑ Supply system.
Reports Supply Reports.
⤑ Invoice management.
System Billing / Sales System.
Reports Billing / Sales Reports.
Notification by email.
SMS notification.
And more…
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